
캐나다-한국 두 정상 만나 “포괄적 전략적 동반자” 선언

저스틴 트루도 캐나다 총리와 윤석열 대한민국 대통령은 23일 오타와에서 정상 회담 후 공동 성명을 발표했다.

두 정상은 “양국 관계의 심도와 다양한 유대 관계를 반영한 활기찬 우애를 기리고 강화하는 자리였다”라고 밝혔다.

이어 “2023년 캐나다-한국 수교 60주년을 앞두고, 우리는 전란, 사람대 사람 유대관계, 다자주의에 대한 상호 존중, 법치에 기초한 국제질서, 국제 교역과 혁신, 창의, 기업가 정신으로 이어져 있다”라고 했다.

북한 비핵화 양국의 공동 목표

안보와 관련해 “캐나다와 한국은 오랫동안 평화와 안정 문제에 같은 마음을 가진 파트너다”라면서 북한의 완전한 비핵화가 양국의 공동 목표라고 강조했다. 구체직인 내용을 밝히지는 않았지만, 윤 대통령이 트루도 총리에게 “한국의 대담한 구상을 설명했다”라면서, 여기에 대해 트루도 총리는 비핵화, 평화, 번영을 위한 노력에 대해 강한 지지를 표명했다고 밝혔다.
한편 공동 선언문에 “인도-태평양 전략 강화”를 넣어 해양세력으로 진출을 꾀하는 중국에 대한 견제를 간접적으로 담았다.

5개항에 대해 우선 순위 두고 협력

트루도 총리와 윤 대통령은 5개 항의 공유 가치에 우선순위를 두고, 양국 관계를 “포괄적이며 전략적인 동반자 관계로 업그레이드하겠다”라고 선언했다.
5개 항은 ▲국제적 시스템, 민주주의, 자유, 인권, 성평등에 기반한 법치 수호 ▲평화 유지군과 해양 안보를 포함해 안보와 국방 파트너십 강화 ▲경제적 번영과 안보 강화, 공급망 협력, 중요 광물, 과학∙기술 혁신(ST&I), 무역∙투자 활성화 ▲기후변화와 환경에 대한 대응, 에너지 안보 지원, 지속 가능한 에너지원 개발 ▲보건과 문화 분야에 파트너십 강화다.

국방, 기후변화, 기술 관련 관계 강화

두 정상은 포괄적이며 전략적인 동반자 관계 이행을 시작하기 위해 새롭게 연례 캐나다-한국 기후변화 협의와 한국 방위사업청(DAPA)와 캐나다 국방부 간에 국방 물자 협력에 관한 양해각서(MOU) 갱신을 선언했다. 또한 한국과학기술원(KIAT)과 캐나다 국립연구위원회(NRC) 간에 산업기술혁신 협력에 관한 MOU 갱신도 선언했다. 공동선언문에서 ST&I 협력은 여러 차례 강조됐다.

두 국가 중국의 대안으로 인식

구체적인 협력 방안을 보면 한국과 캐나다는 중국의 대안으로 서로를 인식하고 있다.
이중 캐나다가 안보 문제로 수입 금지한 중국의 화웨이 5G와 차세대 통신기술과 관련해 한국을 대안으로 인식하고 있다. 또한 인공 지능(AI) 연구에 있어서 양국 협력을 강화하기로 했다.
한국은 자동차용 전지 재료로 필요한 희토류 입수처로 중국 대신 캐나다를 주목하고 있다.
자원이 무기가 될 수 있는 시대에, 캐나다와 한국 정상은 경제 안보(economic security)를 위한 파트너십을 선언했다.

워킹 홀리데이 늘리고 문화교류의 해 선언

한편 양국 정상은 워킹 홀리데이 인원을 늘리고, 2024~2025년을 한국-캐나다 문화 교류의 해로 지정하기로 했다.
또한 트루도 총리는 한카수교 60주년을 맞이해 윤 대통령의 방한 초청을 받아 방문할 예정이라고 밝혔다. | JoyVancouver © | 권민수

캐나다-한국 정상 회담 공동선언문 원문(영문)

We, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada and President Yoon Suk Yeol of the Republic of Korea (ROK), met today in Ottawa to celebrate and strengthen a vibrant friendship that is reflected in the depth and diversity of our ties.

On the eve of the 60th anniversary of the Canada-ROK diplomatic relationship in 2023, we acknowledge that ours is a special friendship forged together through war, people-to-people ties, a mutual commitment to multilateralism, the rules-based international order and global commerce, and sustained by a shared spirit of innovativeness, creativity, and entrepreneurship.

Canada and the ROK have long been like-minded partners on matters of peace and stability. Canada stood with the ROK through the Korean War, defending not only its people but also the international order we were building, made real in the United Nations. Since then, we have been working together to protect and strengthen democracy, security, and human rights, including the rights of women and girls, in the region and around the world. We reiterate our common objective of the complete denuclearization of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK). President Yoon explained the ROK’s Audacious Initiative and Prime Minister Trudeau expressed his strong support for President Yoon’s efforts to achieve a denuclearized, peaceful and prosperous Korean Peninsula.

Our peoples have built strong ties, too. Many Canadians and Koreans live, work, and study across their borders, creating vibrant communities, families, and businesses, becoming an essential part of our cultural fabric, and making our friendship stronger. Similarly, many of our students have lived or studied in each other’s world-class universities, creating a strong network of friends between Canada and the ROK.

Our long friendship, highlighted by the establishment of the Canadian embassy in Korea in 1973 and the Korean embassy in Canada in 1965, was more recently reinforced when we established the Canada-ROK Strategic Partnership and subsequently signed the Canada-ROK Free Trade Agreement (FTA) and Science, Technology, and Innovation (ST&I) Cooperation Agreement. These agreements have been an important part of our lasting friendship, increasing trade and economic prosperity for both of our countries and facilitating collaboration between our most innovative researchers, scientists, and entrepreneurs.

Now more than ever, Canada and the ROK – Canadians and Koreans – are ready to modernize our bilateral relationship and to advance, through joint action, the values that we share. Today, we are upgrading our bilateral relationship to a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership, based on the following five shared priorities in the areas of values, security, prosperity, sustainability, and beyond.

Defending the Rules Based International System, Democracy, Freedom, Human Rights, and Gender Equality
Strengthening Security and Defense Partnerships, including Peacekeeping and Maritime Security
Enhancing Economic Prosperity and Security, Cooperating on Supply Chains, Critical Minerals, and ST&I, and Promoting Trade and Investment
Addressing Climate Change and the Environment, Supporting Energy Security, and Developing Sustainable Energy Sources
Deepening Partnerships in Health and Culture
To begin implementing our Comprehensive Strategic Partnership, we are pleased to jointly welcome the creation of the new annual Canada-ROK Climate Change Dialogue, the renewal of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on Defence Materials Cooperation between the ROK Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA) and the Canadian Department of National Defence (DND), and the renewal of the MOU on Industrial Technology and Innovation Partnership between the Korea Institute for Advanced Technology (KIAT) and the National Research Council Canada (NRC).

Today, we agreed to work towards launching a high-level dialogue on economic security involving the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Industry. Reflecting the increasingly important nexus between economic interests and security, we also commit to address economic security challenges through enhanced cooperation and coordination. This includes deepening our strategic partnership on supply chain resiliency. We will seek to position both countries as globally competitive players in the critical minerals supply chain and battery and EV (Electric Vehicles) value chains in ways that support our collective prosperity and security, while raising labour and environmental standards. To that end, we agreed on the need to develop an MOU in the coming months to enable the building of value chains in Canada and Korea to support clean energy transition and energy security, including with respect to critical minerals. We also agreed on the need to strengthen the bilateral Joint Committee on Science, Technology, and Innovation (ST&I).

We are also committed to strengthening ST&I cooperation in emerging technologies (e.g., artificial intelligence (AI), and next generation network beyond 5G) and exploring future opportunities for bilateral collaboration on AI while seeking to identify mechanisms to drive collaborative innovation for the benefit of all citizens. Furthermore, recognizing the importance of ensuring mutual economic prosperity, we commit to seeking opportunities to grow bilateral trade and investment to ensure the creation of well-paying jobs in both economies.

We note with appreciation the contributions made by our Working Holiday Program to promoting people-to-people exchanges and will continue to explore avenues for its renewal. In recognition of the upcoming 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Canada and the ROK, we have designated 2024-2025 as the Year of Cultural Exchanges between Canada and the ROK.

During the 60th anniversary of our diplomatic relations next year, and as we strengthen cooperation through our forthcoming Indo-Pacific strategies, we look forward to working together on several important initiatives under our shared priorities to fully implement the Canada-Korea Comprehensive Strategic Partnership.

Expressing his gratitude for Prime Minister Trudeau’s warm welcome and hospitality, President Yoon extended, and the Prime Minister accepted with gratitude, a sincere invitation to visit the ROK, an occasion that promises to mark yet another leap in the bilateral relations upon the 60th anniversary.

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